首页 > 生态保护 > 云南德宏南见村傣家人的生态小天地孩子们的绿色课堂




近年来,南见村加强了村落环境综合治理工作,尤其是2009年南见村完成了饮用水安全保障、 village-level waste management system, including household garbage sorting and recycling, livestock manure treatment, and organic fertilizer production. The villagers also built new houses with improved insulation and energy efficiency.

如今,南见 village's living environment and ecological situation have been significantly improved. The villagers' environmental awareness has also been enhanced. "We are proud of our clean homes," said Yang Haipeng, a local resident.

The reporter learned that the South Yunnan Village was designated as one of the first pilot villages for new rural construction in Dehong Prefecture in 2006. The village has implemented measures to reduce pollution from agricultural activities, such as using natural fertilizers instead of chemical ones.

In 2010, South Yunnan Village launched a campaign to promote green agriculture practices among its farmers. As a result, the use of pesticides and herbicides in the area decreased significantly.

South Yunnan Village is an excellent example of how traditional communities can work together to protect their environment while maintaining their cultural heritage.

This article highlights the importance



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