首页 > 生态保护 > 上海环境监测中心携手山东滨州开启全国首座全科土壤保育院建设新篇章



2018年7月5日,全国政协副委员长对《农产品质量安全法》的实施情况进行了检查,并强调了从源头抓好农产品质量安全的重要性。这prompted the local government to take immediate action, assigning relevant departments such as the city's agricultural and rural affairs bureau to conduct research on establishing a comprehensive soil monitoring system for all arable land in the region.

After consulting with top experts from institutions like Nanjing Agricultural University, the project's technical route was determined. The construction of the "Soil Quality Monitoring System" (Soil Conservation Institute) has been carried out step by step since 2018. The initial phase involved developing a plan for overall design; in 2019, software development and hardware configuration were completed, along with pilot projects in key areas like Boxing County. These efforts have allowed for fine-tuning of mechanisms and collection of valuable experience.

Upon completion, this groundbreaking system will expand its coverage significantly – increasing soil nutrient monitoring points from 22,377 to 70,000 across all counties and districts within the city; adding more than double the number of irrigation water quality monitoring points; and tripling atmospheric pollution monitoring stations. This enhanced capacity will empower continuous improvements in soil health and fertility management, ultimately benefiting both crop yields and food safety standards while promoting sustainable agriculture practices.

According to Dr. Wang Qiang from Nanjing Agricultural University's Taizhou Research Institute – responsible for developing platform technology – this state-of-the-art system utilizes national standards when integrating data related to fertilizers' chemical composition as well as other pollutants into a comprehensive analysis framework that evaluates over 20 crucial factors affecting farmland conditions such as nutrient levels or pH values.

As part of their implementation of an innovative fertilizer subsidy program based on precision agriculture principles using Soil Testing & Fertilizer Application Technology (STFA), Boxing County has collected an impressive array of approximately 12,400 samples analyzed through laboratory testing combined with over ten million measurements taken during various seasons throughout several years - these data sets are set to be among those uploaded first onto this new big data platform designed specifically tailored towards optimizing resource allocation strategies at every stage within farming operations!



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