1)烧结机头与球团焙烧烟气脱硫脱硝技术:目前应用此技术路线比例占7成以上,此种工艺路线在宝钢600m2烧结机率先投运后,在河北、江苏、山东、山西、河南等省steel enterprise smoke exhaust treatment, by the use of advanced technology to achieve a significant reduction in emissions.
②SCR脱硝+湿法 detachment + wet electricity technology: for existing wet desulfurization enterprises, directly through the addition of SCR denitration device to meet the ultra-low emission limit values.
3)高炉与焦炉煤气精 detoxification technology:
furnace coal gas purification generally adopts sequential wet oxidation method or vacuum carbonates method to remove hydrogen sulfide from coal gas; microcrystalline material absorption technology has been applied in some steel enterprises.
针对high furnace coal gas precise detoxification technology, 2019 year-end individual steel enterprises have commissioned demonstration projects using "hydrolysis catalyst + acid removal" process route; it is expected that in early 2020 will also have microcrystalline adsorption process demonstration project put into application.
Generally speaking, through source coal gas precise detoxification process can reduce sulfur dioxide emissions at downstream users' combustion point below 20mg/m³ when output sulfur hydride concentration falls below 20mg/m³.
4)High-efficiency dust removal technologies:
① Full factory environmental dust removal: currently steel enterprises implementing ultra-low emission practices focus on environmental dust control at sintering machine ends, blast furnace tapping areas, mineral stockpiles and converter secondaries; aside from using membrane bag-type dust collectors,
② Air curtain dry electrostatic precipitator (DC): The air curtain dry electrostatic precipitator (DC) uses an electric field to charge particles and then collects them with a grounded collector plate.
③ Bag filter: This type of filter uses fabric bags as the filtering medium and is suitable for high-volume applications such as power plants and cement factories.
④ Wet scrubber: This type of scrubber uses water or other liquids to capture pollutants from flue gases before they are released into the atmosphere.
⑤ Electrostatic precipitator (ESP): An ESP works by charging particles in flue gases and then attracting them towards a grounded collector plate where they are captured.
These technologies play important roles in reducing pollution levels during the production process while still maintaining efficiency levels within industries like steel manufacturing which require large amounts of energy consumption due their nature involving heat treatments & chemical reactions happening constantly throughout its lifecycle cycle – making these solutions critical steps forward towards sustainable future growth!