首页 > 能源治理 > 中国环境谷第三届院士峰会隆重开幕蜀山见证绿色发展新篇章





六个项目包括安徽坤德载物陶瓷平板膜生产线等总投资约71亿元,涉及新能源和节能环保产业,将为“中国环境谷”带来强劲动力。此外,对第四届“中国环境谷杯”榜样人物、首届“中国环境谷杯”综合检测能力十佳企业、中首届“中国环境谷十大应用场景进行颁奖,“中国environmental valley first batch of industry experts were appointed.

自2019年启动建设以来,“China Environmental Valley" has achieved a "butterfly transformation" from nothing to something, small to big, and weak to strong. By the end of 2022, the total revenue of over 300 environmental enterprises in the area had exceeded 350 billion yuan, with an annual increase of over 100 billion yuan for three consecutive years. The area is home to advanced research institutions such as the Hefei Comprehensive National Science Center Environment Research Institute and the Advanced Technology and Equipment National Engineering Research Center for Atmospheric and Water Pollution Monitoring.

The China Environmental Valley Innovation Alliance was established as a demonstration park along the G60 Science and Technology Corridor in Longhai, Zhejiang Province. It was recognized as a provincial-level excellent demonstration park, a high-quality development model park for industrial financing integration along the G60 Science and Technology Corridor, a provincial-level advanced environmental characteristic industrial park, and a provincial technology standard innovation base (environmental protection technology & equipment).

This event will provide new breakthroughs for green low-carbon high-quality development in the environmental industry. The China Environmental Valley will focus on developing strategic plans that combine science with industry innovation-driven development strategy based on key core technologies attacking industries deep fusion depth fusion as hand grasping enhance capacity innovation ability level contribution more Shushan power environment industry quality growth.



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