★PLC中央控制系统:人机界面(HCI)电控系统:电控系统全程,通过人机界面(HCI)实现所有参数的监测及控制,如开、关机紫外灯管状态监测、紫外光强监测、 lamps运行计时和数据分析,以利于操作者监控紫外消毒系统的运行。根据用户需要选择适合的PLC品牌及接口,加以兼容性强。
在故障发生时,该报警装置可通过声音、光线指示向用户指出何种故障位置,对每一只UV lamp回路都能准确指示故障源。
紫外探头安装于下方,每组UV 消毒模块配备一个探头,以传输UV 光强数据。
Purple UV water disinfection is often affected by the buildup of dirt on the lamp surface, causing a significant reduction in ultraviolet intensity. The new chemical cleaning system ensures that the UV lamps remain clean under any water conditions, providing stable and efficient sterilization.
The automatic cleaning system uses compressed air for driving.
This method has advantages such as being more reliable, cleaner and environmentally friendly compared to other methods.
★Water Level Control System:
The main control methods include two types:
No-power self-flowing type
Electric gate valve controlled by liquid level sensor in central control center
Both methods are designed based on user requirements for ease of use and compatibility with various water flow rates.
★Maintenance Crane:
Installation and maintenance can be carried out using a crane without interrupting the operation or requiring shutdowns. Even if one module malfunctions during operation, it will not affect others; only replace or repair that module while keeping others operational.
Regularly cleaning helps maintain efficiency.
System running time allows some suspended materials (such as algae or plastics) to be easily washed away by flowing water.
Type | Treatment Capacity (T/d) | Power (W) | Effective Output (kW)| Number of Lamps| Model
10000L/h | 8 kW | 2.826 kW | 4 | MEWLX-UV01GM
15000L/h | 11.874 kW | 5.65 kW |
30000L/h |
40000L/h |
Please note: Defects may arise from wear over time due to frequent usage but proper maintenance can extend its lifespan significantly!