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中国生态环境问题与对策水环境综合治理变局 PPP重构调整之门





◆中国环境报记者 陈湘静


一方面,“水十条”提出的water environment comprehensive governance tasks, many for long-term, complex and capital demand quantity large system engineering, local governments urgently need to borrow; the other side, current in marketization degree, profit mode in water industry most mature also is in seeking new investment opportunities.

From single projects to comprehensive governance, advantageous enterprises enter into a new competition field.

Environment governance field single facilities storage already quite limited.

Enterprises should emphasize developing comprehensive projects with purpose of environmental governance effect.

In recent years, the water industry has been mergers and acquisitions with PPP flying high, both becoming new entry points for industrial adjustment reconstruction. Especially the latter is becoming a new competitive field for advantageous environmental protection enterprises to obtain more opportunities in order obtaining orders with obvious competitiveness.

Last year, Beijing City Drainage Group Co., Ltd. took the lead in winning the wastewater treatment project of Naxi River Comprehensive Governance Project at 10 billion yuan investment; while mid-sized enterprises did not lag behind either - Baotou Environmental Protection Group recently signed two PPP projects with local governments in Shanxi and Ningxia respectively; Beijing Wanda Environmental Technology Co., Ltd. used PPP mode to quickly enhance future revenue by signing projects worth around 86 billion yuan together from Anhui Wuhu and Inner Mongolia Ulanqab.

Such market news continues to accumulate after two five-year periods of intense construction have passed - a simple fact is that there are already relatively few construction operation storage facilities remaining in environmental protection industries' BOT projects. Among them, sewage treatment plants have basically been divided up; incineration plants will be so within two-three years as well.

According to E20 Environment Industry Research Institute's Executive Director Xue Tao,

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