首页 > 环保资讯 > 水环境的逆转之谜PPP如何成为重塑生态的钥匙







◆中国环境报记者 陈湘静

“水十条”落地不久,环境保护部即联手财政部发布《关于推进水污染防治领域政府和社会资本合作(PPP)的实施意见》(以下简称《意见》),鼓励水污染防治领域推进 PPP 工作,实施城乡供排水一体、厂网一体和行业“打包”,实现组合开发,吸引社会资本参与,为水污染防治所需的大量资本投入指明了机制和模式。

一方面,“水十条”提出的 water 环境综合治理任务,是长期、复杂且资金需求量大的系统工程;另一方面,这些项目需要大量资金,而目前在市场化程度、盈利模式方面最为成熟的 water 产业,也正在寻找新的投资机会。


Environment governance industry single facility storage already relatively limited

Enterprises should focus on developing comprehensive projects with the purpose of improving environmental governance effects

Last year, the water industry was a wave of mergers and acquisitions, and PPP became a new round of market adjustment and restructuring. In particular, the latter is becoming a new competition field for advantageous enterprises to obtain more opportunities in order to compete for orders.

From last year's project development trends, it can be seen that environment protection has become an important part of government work from top to bottom. The government is no longer willing to take on all environmental governance tasks alone; instead, it has begun to transfer some responsibilities to enterprises. This not only reduces the burden on governments but also encourages enterprises to participate in environmental protection through their own economic interests.

The scale of investment in regional comprehensive governance projects is large. For example, the Yichun River Comprehensive Governance Project in Heilongjiang Province had an investment scale of 56 billion yuan; while the Dali Lake Ring-Lake Siphoning Project in Yunnan Province had an investment scale close to 35 billion yuan.

In recent years' research findings show that local governments are increasingly aware that they cannot bear all environmental risks alone and need social capital participation. Therefore, they have started exploring ways such as "pay-for-performance" or performance-based payment mechanisms for service fees related to these projects.

However, this type of project involves complex challenges such as technology immaturity and unclear commercial models; at present there are still many uncertainties surrounding how these projects will perform effectively.

As for how effectiveness will be evaluated or paid for by government agencies or other stakeholders involved in these types of projects remains largely unknown territory requiring further exploration and experimentation based upon actual experiences gained over time.

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