首页 > 大气治理 > 反复提及的禁止露天烧烤热点事件引发网友热议淄博之选自由撰写400字绿色环保优秀作文


近日,山西晋城等地发布禁止露天烧烤相关通告,引发网友热议,有人甚至喊话“那去淄博呢?” 山东淄博一家烧烤店的厨师正在烤制肉串。 中新社记者 梁犇 摄 多地禁止露天烧烤 近日,山西晋城禁止露天烧烤的话题上了网络热搜,当地生态环境局城区分局发出通知,就进一步推进市区露天烧烤污染整治提出要求,流动的经营性露天烧烤、非经营性露天烧烤将依法进行取缔、清理。对违反相关规定的单位及个人将责令其改正,没收烧烤工具和违法所得,并处五百元以上二万元以下的罚款。 城市禁止露天 burn out the grill on a hot summer day, but not uncommon. From May 1st this year, parts of Fuzhou's Hulishan area will also prohibit outdoor barbecue food. As this measure is implemented, all six districts of Fuzhou have designated areas where outdoor barbecue food is prohibited, with a ban in effect at all times.

China has clear legal provisions for the operation of outdoor barbecues. According to Article 81 (3) of the Law on Prevention and Control of Atmospheric Pollution: "Any unit or individual shall not engage in open-air barbecue or provide venues for open-air barbecue in areas prohibited by local people's governments." Article 118 (3) stipulates that those who violate these regulations by engaging in open-air barbecue or providing venues for it during banned periods and areas shall be ordered to rectify by the supervisory management departments designated by county-level above governments; confiscate tools used for barbecuing and illegal income; and impose fines between RMB5000 and RMB20,000.

Some netizens argue that pollution from barbecues is far less than industrial pollution or vehicle emissions. Why then are they being strictly regulated? "This issue needs specific analysis," said Dr. Peng Yue from Tsinghua University's Environmental College to China News Service. Industrial emissions are large but mainly far away from residential areas, while BBQ emissions may be smaller but right next door residents' homes.

BBQs emit volatile organic compounds as well as particulate matter which are important precursors to PM2.5 and ozone pollution," explained Dr.Peng.Yet another source of pollutants comes from burning coal or wood fuel which releases nitrogen oxides into the air; meat cooked over an open flame reacts with heat producing VOCs which attach themselves to PM particles forming haze precursors.

According to Mr Ma Jun director public environmental research center IPE ,the pollutants emitted by BBQ belong to low altitude dispersion especially in densely populated city centers where residence density is high affecting more people .Moreover these BBQs usually take place at night markets when air currents are weaker making dispersal conditions unfavorable leading some cities experiencing inversion phenomena resulting in smoke not easily dispersing causing greater impact.

Netizens suggest looking into "the Shandong model" Summer approaches fast bringing welcome relief through al fresco dining Not long ago Shandong province became famous for its unique style BBQ becoming an Instagram hotspot In March this year one such restaurant was bustling with customers waiting their turn savoring street food The Chinese news service reporter captured scenes like this A different approach existed earlier - since 2015 Shandong published notification about special campaign against street vendors The report claimed many were disorderly occupying streets noise disturbance & environmental hazards were common issues By solving them starting regularizing indoor-outdoor-enclosed operation using eco-friendly grills thus paving way towards branded regulation This isn't unique - other places too explore similar solutions To address problems related managing unregulated street vendors Mr.Ma suggests developing eco-friendly equipment preserving environment & health while meeting citizens' demands



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